The end of another term!

The last post, for now!

 Welcome back, dear reader!

In this post, I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the assignments I completed and the overall experience of the Current Issues in Teaching course. What a journey it’s been!

First, I want to give a big thank you to our wonderful professor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökçe Kurt Tiftik, for her guidance throughout the term. And of course, a huge shoutout to my awesome teammates, Selen and Berkay, for their great teamwork and creativity while working on our projects together!

Now, let’s jump into my reflections and look back at this exciting term!

My reflections are as follows...

  1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the course?
    I think the strongest aspect of the course is, as the name suggests, that we focus on very current topics. In each new topic, we work on tasks that can enrich our lessons when we become teachers in the future. As for the weakest part, I would say having a written exam for a course where we put in so much effort and do creative work is not ideal. :)
  2. What did you find easy or difficult about the course?
    Since we are a generation that is closely connected to technology, exploring new applications and tasks was the most enjoyable part for us. The most difficult part was definitely dealing with the deadlines!
  3. What was your most and least favorite task? Explain your choices.
    As a future teacher, AI seems to be something I will rely on the most in my lessons, so my favorite task is the AI-integrated teaching material task. Although I was satisfied with the material we prepared for the flipped classroom approach, thinking of it as a lesson plan was quite challenging for me, so unfortunately, I choose it as my least favorite.
  4. What would be your suggestion to improve it?
    Compared to the other courses I’ve taken, this course satisfies me in terms of creativity, productivity, and transparency in evaluations (I really like the checklists). I’ll repeat myself, but I don’t think a written exam is suitable for this course at all.
  5. What would you tell the students who would take this course next year?
    Don’t leave the assignments for the last minute! The hardest part of the assignments is making decisions, and if they have limited time, they’ll regret not having enough time to do better even though they could have!
  6. How would this course contribute to your professional development?
    Its biggest contribution is giving me new ideas to support my lessons. This is really important because I’m already using what I’ve learned in this course in my lesson plan tasks for other courses. Thanks a lot!

That's all! Dear reader, thank you for accompanying me on this journey. Until next time, take care!



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